Decision Points

As you follow this path to become a teacher, there are three important decision points (steps) that will determine your continuation on this path.

Decision Point 1: Admission

Once you apply to the Educator Preparation Program, your application materials will be reviewed. If you have met all of the admission requirements, you will be admitted. If you haven’t met all of the admission requirements, you will have the opportunity to work with your academic advisor to determine how you can meet these requirements.

Decision Point 2: Student Teaching Application

At the beginning of the semester prior to student teaching, all teacher candidates are required to attend two mandatory meetings. The first meeting is a round-up session. These sessions support teacher candidates in knowing how to move through the student teaching application process, the background check process, the licensure application process, and the like. The second meeting is a decision point 2 meeting. These individual meetings have two purposes:

  1. Ensure teacher candidates have met the requirements to student teach
  2. Identify passions and interests for student teaching placements

At the end of the semester prior to student teaching, all teacher candidates are required to attend a placement meeting. At this meeting, teacher candidates will learn about licensure issues, professional and ethical behavior, student teaching expectations, and the like. In addition, teacher candidates will learn their student teaching placements.

Decision Point 3: Licensure Recommendation

The third and final decision point occurs after graduation and program completion. At this point, a teacher candidate’s records and documentation will be reviewed to ensure all licensure requirements and program completion requirements have been met. If the requirements have been met, the teacher candidate is recommended for licensure. If the requirements have not been met, the teacher candidate works with the program coordinator or program advisor to ensure all of the requirements are met so the candidate can be recommended for licensure.