Practicum in Student Affairs (HGED 5910)

Practicum in student affairs, HGED 5910, is offered to provide practical experiences for students interested in the student affairs field and to give them a working knowledge of the programs at Iowa State University.


HGED 5910 has three objectives:

  • Assist the student in developing a philosophy of student affairs through observation, involvement, and practical experience under the supervision of professional staff members.
  • Assist the student in the development of his/her ability to perform duties and functions common in student affairs work.
  • Provide an opportunity for interaction with professional staff members.

The practicum student and the supervisor are expected to develop a contract that will identify the specific objectives that will be met. It is important that students have the opportunity to develop professional skills, particularly outside their previous training and experience.

Practica may be used by students to gain exposure to fields of work never considered or that may be of interest during the next years of professional life. It is important that each practicum takes into account the experience and knowledge of the participant when initially establishing the criteria for the practicum.


  • A two-credit practicum requires 6 to 8 contact hours per week.
  • A three-credit practicum requires 8 to 10 contact hours per week of the term in which the practicum is taken.


Student Contract Procedure

  1. Identify practica (PDF) in which you are interested. (What areas in student affairs would you like to learn more about or gain some practical experience?)
  2. Complete the student portion of the HGED 5910 contract.
  3. Once you have identified your goals for the practicum, check the practica to see which, if any, can meet your goals.
  4. Make an appointment and meet with each possible practicum supervisor. Discuss your goals for the practicum and learn what types of tasks would be available to help meet those goals.
  5. Once you have identified the environment in which to meet your goals, meet with the supervisor to determine specific objectives which will provide the experiences to obtain your goals.
  6. Sign the completed contracts only after both you and the supervisor agree to the objectives and grading method.
  7. Submit completed contracts:
    • First practicum: Students enrolling in their first practicum during spring semester should submit the completed contract to the practicum seminar instructor by the end of the first week of class.
    • Subsequent practica: Students enrolling in subsequent practica should submit contracts to their major professor/advisor by the end of the first full week of class in the semester for which the student is enrolled.
  8. At midterm, you and supervisor review the contract to affirm that the objectives are obtainable.
  9. Submit a student self-evaluation (the practicum experience) to the practicum seminar instructor or major professor.

School of Education requirements for students entering Fall 2017. In addition to these core requirements, students may also have division requirements. All PhD students are required to take a course in the Foundations of Educational Inquiry that introduces students to the landscape of the field of education with particular emphasis on the philosophy of educational inquiry:

  • • C I 6010: Foundations of Educational Inquiry (3 credits)
  • OR
  • • ELPS 6010X: Foundations of Educational Inquiry (3 credits) (this is only available to
  • students in the Thursday/Friday course delivery format)
  • Additionally, all PhD students in the School of Education are required to take a core set of
  • research methods courses:
  • • RESEV 6030X: Foundations of Qualitative Inquiry in Education (3 credits)
  • • One course in quantitative methods
  • • One additional research methods course

Supervisor Contract Procedure

Contract Information

  • If you accept a practicum student, the specific goals, objectives, and tasks must be typed on the contract by the student.
  • Completed contracts should not be signed until both the student and the supervisor agree to the objectives and grading method.
  • Completed contracts for practica should be submitted to the practicum seminar instructor or major professor/advisor at the end of the first full week of class in the semester for which the student is enrolled.


  1. The supervisor meets with the practicum student in the supervisor’s office and assists the student in identifying those objectives which can be met in the supervisor’s area which will aid him/her in obtaining the listed goals. Supervisor and student complete the supervisor portion of the HGED 5910 contract.
  2. The supervisor clarifies with the student the student affairs philosophy, skill development, time requirements of the objectives, grading process, and evaluation method prior to the signing of the contract.
  3. The supervisor and student sign the completed contract only after both the student and the supervisor agree to the objectives and grading method.
  4. The student submits the completed practicum contract to the practicum seminar instructor or major professor/advisor at the end of the first full week of class in the semester for which the student is enrolled.
  5. At midterm, the student and supervisor review the contract to affirm that the objectives are obtainable.
  6. The supervisor submits a supervisor final evaluation to the practicum seminar instructor or major professor for the student’s practicum experience along with the recommended grade.


Completed contracts due at the end of the first full week of classes: Submit to practicum seminar instructor or major professor. Maintain a copy for your files. 

Review contract to affirm objectives and submit midterm week: Submit revisions in writing to practicum seminar instructor or major professor. 

Practicum evaluations due finals week: Submit to practicum seminar instructor or major professor.