Division of Teaching, Learning, Leadership, and Policy (TLLP)

Teaching, Learning, Leadership, and Policy (TLLP) is one of two graduate divisions in the School of Education. The division consists of four areas: Educational Leadership, Organizations and Policy (ELOP); Science Education, Educational Technology, and Mathematics Education (STEM); Language, Literacy, and Learning (L3); and, Social and Cultural Studies in Education (SCS).

TLLP is home to over 30 faculty, 200 graduate students, and several degree programs across the four areas. As a division, we are principally focused on supporting a public P-20 school-system that provides equitable educational opportunities for all students and all families. Our community consists of students in professional licensure programs studying to become mathematics and science teachers and school principals, practicing elementary and secondary teachers pursuing a master’s degree as a means of professional development in literacy and special education, and doctoral students studying to be educational researchers who inquire into enduring and pressing issues in education. Though focused on P-20 schooling, many members of TLLP, such as those in educational technology and social and cultural studies of education, also study teaching and learning in higher education as well as informal learning environments.

TLLP Faculty

Educational Leadership, Organizations, and Policy (ELOP)

Joanne Marshall (associate professor)
Anita Micich (assistant professor of practice)
Doug Wieczorek (assistant professor)

Science Education, Educational Technology, and Mathematics Education (STEM)

Science Education

EJ Bahng (associate professor)
Kristina Tank (associate professor)
Ben Van Dusen (assistant professor)

Educational Technology

Evrim Baran (associate professor)
Denise Schmidt Crawford (professor)
Ben Gleason (assistant professor)

Mathematics Education 

Mollie Appelgate (associate professor)
Ji Yeong I (associate professor)

Language, Literacy, and Learning (L3)

Learning Sciences

Alyssa Emery (assistant professor)


Connie Beecher (associate professor)
Jeanne Dyches (assistant professor)

Special Education

Linda Lind (teaching professor)
Angela Prince (assistant professor)

Social and Cultural Studies of Education (SCS)