Checking and changing assignment dates

January 29, 2021

Instructors, are you looking for an efficient way to check and change availability and due dates on Canvas Assignments? Go to the course menu and click Assignments, then click the 3 dots to the right of the red +Assignments button at the top of the screen. From the dropdown menu, select Edit Assignment Dates. A summary screen displays all the availability start, end, and due dates for all assignments (published and unpublished). Edit dates individually or select several, then click Batch Edit and specify the number of days to shift them by. You can also remove dates. You should still check each assignment individually for dates in both the onscreen descriptions and in any attached files. Due dates appear on the course calendar and trigger alert messages to students, so be sure to include them! For additional tips, follow the MORE link.

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Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 294-9198