Undergrads: Check out amazing opportunities to conduct research at the Emerging Leaders in Research mixer, Dec. 5
November 7, 2019Undergrads: Check out amazing opportunities to conduct research at the Emerging Leaders in Research mixer, Dec. 5: All undergraduate students are invited to drop in at the Jischke Honors Building any time between 5:30-8 p.m. on Thursday, December 5 to see the research undergrads are working on and learn why and how to get involved in research at Iowa State. By working with research, students develop analytical and technical skills, further their oral communication and presentation abilities, and establish relationships with faculty and staff mentors. This Emerging Leaders in Research mixer is organized by the ISU Undergraduate Research Ambassadors, who are also recruiting more URAs. If you’re thinking about attending – or want to share your research at the poster session – give the URAs a heads up by filling out an online form.