Explore Human Sciences Graduate Programs

Graduate News Student News

If you have ever considered grad school, come learn more about the in-person, online, hybrid, and concurrent graduate programs Iowa State’s College of Human Sciences offers! 

Join the in-person event or virtual session where the College of Human Sciences’ faculty, staff, and current graduate students will be available to share information and answer your questions.

IN-PERSON EVENT: Wednesday, March 30 – 3:30-4:30 pm in 198 Parks Library

VIRTUAL SESSION: Wednesday, April 6 – 7:00-8:00 pm via Zoom

Please RSVP for the session(s) you plan to attend using the registration form below.

We’ll also answer questions like:

  • What can I do with a graduate degree in Human Sciences?
  • How do I pay for grad school?
  • Does it matter what undergrad degree I have?

Our mission is to expand human potential and improve people’s lives. Take the time to let us help you expand your potential by joining us and learning more about our graduate programs.

Questions? Contact Katie Mott, kmott@iastate.edu, 515-294-5397
