Fred Duffelmeyer Reading Improvement Clinic

The Fred Duffelmeyer Reading Improvement Clinic offers tutoring in reading for children who are entering kindergarten through 12th grade. Tutoring sessions are conducted by advanced students in reading and related areas under the guidance of the literacy education faculty. The literacy faculty also provides outreach services in family and community literacy through ISU Extension activities.

Fall 2021 Tutoring

Fall 2021 tutoring will be held each Tuesday and Thursday, September 21st – November 18th from 5:30-6:40 pm. 

Enrolling a Student

Please fill out all of the forms in the following survey in order to enroll a student in the Duffelmeyer Reading Improvement Clinic. For any problems with enrollment, please email

Note: Please register only if your child can attend all sessions.

About the Clinic

The Duffelmeyer Reading Improvement Clinic is a non-profit educational service that is operated by the Department of Curriculum & Instruction within the College of Human Sciences at Iowa State University. The clinic has been offering assessment and instruction services for children who struggle with reading and writing for many years. It serves an estimated 80 to 100 school-aged children per year in Ames and the surrounding communities.

Clinic Services Offered

The Fred Duffelmeyer Reading Improvement Clinic offers tutoring assistance in reading for children in kindergarten through 12th grade. ISU graduate and undergraduate students specializing in reading assessment and instruction, and supervised by literacy faculty, serve as tutors. Instruction provided is designed to build confidence while improving children’s reading skills and strategies.

Clinic Schedule of Services

Tutoring services are offered during the fall and spring semesters as well as in the summer:

  • During the fall and spring semesters, tutoring sessions are offered for 70 minutes per session, twice a week for 9 weeks. 
  • During the summer semester, tutoring sessions are offered for 75 minutes per session, four times a week for three weeks.

All tutoring is offered both on campus in classroom space monitored by School of Education staff and faculty or virtually. Students will need their own electronic device to log in for the tutoring session for virtual tutoring. Tutors work closely with parents via periodic notes and individual conferences to communicate progress. 

Clinic Service Fees

The tutoring is currently offered at no cost.