Jordan Pray
Overall Experience
Studying abroad was one of the best experiences I have ever had, and it gave me so many different opportunities. I was able to meet so many amazing people, and experience amazing parts of our world that I never thought I would be able to see. I learned so much not only about the world, but about myself as well. Studying abroad gave me another opportunity to grow in my independence, as well as grow in my knowledge. I made so many amazing memories, from taking a cooking class, to zip lining in the mountains, to experiencing parts of history that I learned about in my past.
Learning experience
The most valuable learning experience I encountered was to be open minded with everything you do. While studying abroad, I took a food and history class, where we learned about the history of Italy, specifically Florence, through their food. There were many times where I was hesitant to try something new, but forced myself to be open and expand my knowledge and food palate as well. I am so happy I did this because I was able to learn more, and submerge myself into their culture fully. This learning experience has taught me to go into everything with an open mind, because you do not know what lessons you will learn from all the opportunities you are given.
Memorable experience
My most memorable experience from studying abroad is going to a cooking class with all the girls I was staying with on our last day. We were able to make three different kinds of pasta, and it gave us a chance to reflect on the past month we had in Italy. This was such a special moment, and I am so happy we got to end on such a happy experience. It helped me to also realize how lucky I was to be studying abroad with such amazing people as well.
What did you not expect?
Something that surprised me while studying abroad was how much we were able to do being abroad for a month. Even though we were not there for a full semester, we still got to accomplish so much while being in Italy, as well as traveling to other countries as well. We made sure to make the most of every day we had, which is how I think we were able to check so much off our bucket lists. This helped to teach us to make the most of everyday, and even being home now I try to do the same.
What advice would you give?
My biggest piece of advice I have for other students is to go into your experience with an open-mind, and really place yourself into the new culture. This will allow you to get the most out of your experience. I was able to talk with locals, who shared so much knowledge, as well as feel as if I was part of the community by the end of my experience. Be open to meeting new people, trying new things, like foods or experiences, as well as having the want to learn more!
How has this experience impacted your life?
This experience has given me so much outlook on life, and I am so thankful for all of the lessons I have gained from studying abroad. I am currently an education major, and feel as if it is important to learn about other cultures because I will have diverse groups of students in my future classrooms. I want to be able to provide the best environment for all my students so having knowledge on different backgrounds is so important. I did not only learn about Italian culture, but many different ones as well from traveling on the weekends to some other countries, including Switzerland and Croatia. Along with this, studying abroad helped me to become more independent because I was forced to navigate a new country on my own.
How did you learn about this experience?
I first learned about this international opportunity from one of my friends. She brought up that she was going to Italy, but studying abroad was never something I thought I would do until she started talking more about it. After that, I met with one of the study abroad advisors to learn more, as well as talking with my parents. I was back and forth for a while on if I should go, but in the end decided that these opportunities do not come around everyday, and that I wanted the chance experience new cultures and opportunities.
International Connections