Researchers collaborate in Iowa State University project promoting faculty success for women in STEM

Faculty News
By Breanna Bruening

Iowa State University and other Midwest universities are coming together to facilitate successful environments for women faculty in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Cinzia Cervato, a Morrill Professor of geological and atmospheric sciences, is leading the research project across Iowa State and three other Midwest universities to implement strategies and tools that could ease some challenges and pressures women in STEM face — especially women of color and women with family responsibilities. The idea is for the four Midwestern universities to join forces, collect data, determine useful strategies, develop an Integrated Equity Support toolbox, and start a caucus to promote and distribute that toolbox.

Robert Reason, associate dean for undergraduate academic affairs in the College of Health and Human Sciences and professor in the School of Education, will be involved as a mentor to a post-doctoral student on the research team. Reason is one of five Iowa State University collaborators who are assisting in this project’s development. 

Read the full ISU News story.

Key contacts

Robert Reason, professor in the School of Education and associate dean for undergraduate student affairs in the College of Health and Human Sciences, 515-294-6216,

Cinzia Cervato, Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, 515-294-7583,

Mike Krapfl, News Service, 515-294-4917,

By Breanna Bruening