SOE Outreach

Outreach Programming
Faculty, staff, and students in the School of Education (SOE) support and maintain a number of outreach programs on campus and in the surrounding communities.
Algebra Progress Monitoring Center
Algebra Assessment & Instruction: Meeting Standards (AAIMS)
Project AAIMS was designed to examine the teaching and learning of algebra for students with and without disabilities and to develop reliable and valid algebra assessment tools that can be used for monitoring the progress of all students. Read more about Project AAIMS. We offer face-to-face professional development for teachers and for trainers on the AAIMS measures. Project AAIMS was funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (#H324C030060) from January 2004 through December 2007.
Professional Development for Algebra Progress Monitoring (PD-APM)
PD-APM, an outgrowth of Project AAIMS, developed an online version of the face-to-face training and expanded the utility of the measures by creating data management tools that provide enhanced graphing capabilities and more descriptive data for instructional decision making, including skills and error analyses. Read more about PD-APM. The online system is not currently available for public access. PD-APM was funded by the Institute for Education Sciences (#R324A090295) from 2009 to 2012.
Algebra Screening and Progress Monitoring (ASPM)
The purpose of the ASPM project was to refine the three procedural measures of algebra developed in Project AAIMS and to develop and test three new conceptual measures of beginning algebra. Although project data did not support the use of the conceptual measures within a progress monitoring context, we are making the conceptual measures available for instructional use and additional research. Read more about ASPM. ASPM was funded by the Institute for Education Sciences (#R324A110262) from 2011 to 2015.
Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching
A state-of-the-art learning environment and resource center that continually demonstrates powerful applications of technology that improve student learning. Learn more.
Checkout STEM
Checkout STEM was created to expand access to research-based literacy and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) experiences for K-3 children and their families. This program was created through a unique partnership between Public Libraries and Iowa State University that brought together librarians, university faculty and undergraduate students. The results of this partnership include the creation of Checkout STEM, Checkout Iowa, Checkout STEM and the Arts kits that are designed to support the development of literacy and STEM skills.
Fred Duffelmeyer Reading Improvement Clinic
The Fred Duffelmeyer Reading Improvement Clinic offers tutoring in reading for children who are entering kindergarten through 12th grades. Tutoring sessions are conducted by advanced students in reading and related areas under the guidance of the literacy education faculty. The literacy faculty also provides outreach services in family and community literacy through ISU Extension activities.
Iowa School Business Management
The Iowa School Business Management Academy (ISBMA or “the academy”) prepares school business managers, board secretaries, and school administrators for performance of their business management responsibilities. The courses are designed to improve management and leadership abilities of school personnel responsible for human resource services, business functions, and finance operations in Iowa’s schools.
ISU 4U Promise
The ISU 4U Promise partnership between King Elementary School, Moulton Elementary School, and Iowa State University promotes college-going in students from these schools. Students who complete fifth grade at King or Moulton will be eligible for tuition awards at Iowa State University.
Research Institute for Studies in Education
The Research Institute for Studies in Education (RISE), a unit of the School of Education, was formed in 1974 to conduct comprehensive, integrated research and evaluation studies that enhance PK-20 education locally, nationally, and globally. RISE operates as a self-supporting, nonprofit organization housed within Iowa State University, a public, research-intensive, land-grant institution. RISE promotes the integration of evaluation, research, and policy through partnerships with schools, colleges and universities, federal and state education agencies, and private agencies and foundations.
Science Bound
Science Bound is Iowa State University’s pre-college through college program to increase the number of Iowa youth who pursue degrees and careers in the fields of agriculture, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (ASTEM), as well as education. We engage middle and high school students from Denison, Des Moines, Marshalltown, and Osceola (Clarke County), Iowa. Students begin the nine-year program during the summer before eighth grade and continue through to college graduation.
Small Talk Story County
Small Talk is a program that helps parents learn how to create an enriching home language environment for their child and how they can help their child’s brain development. Using an innovative “talk pedometer”, parent receive weekly reports on the amount of talking they do with their baby, along with engaging video-based instruction on talking tips. Childcare and snacks are provided. You may spot some of our Cyclones volunteering there!
In January of 2017, the program captured first place and received a $10,000 grant from Penguin Random House’s Library Awards for Innovation, which recognize innovative library programs that engage citizens in reading and strengthen the social and cultural fabric of their community.
Human Sciences Extension and Outreach provides research-based information and education to help families make decisions that improve their lives. As the outreach arm of the College of Human Sciences, faculty and staff work together with specialists located across Iowa’s 99 counties to translate university research to practice for local individuals, families, employers, and communities.