Chapter 6 – Funding for graduate students
- The applicant must be a current graduate student in the SOE
- Any Ph.D. applicants must have completed the most recent Ph.D. Annual Review and be making acceptable progress toward degree completion
- The applicant must apply for a GPSS PAG. Even if you are denied GPSS PAG funds, you may still be eligible for SOE travel funds. On your GPSS PAG application, please list Graduate Support Specialist as the SOE department contact
- The applicant must meet all GPSS PAG eligibility requirements – see their website for requirements.
- Students are only eligible for one SOE travel award per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30)
- Priority consideration will be given to Ph.D. students, then master’s students who will be actively presenting at a conference (not just listed as an author) and who have not previously received SOE travel funding
- Secondary consideration will be given to Ph.D. students, then master’s students who will be presenting at a conference and who have previously received SOE travel funding
- Contingent on available funds, consideration will be given to Ph.D. students, then master’s students who are attending a conference and who have not previously received SOE travel funding
- Finally, contingent on available funds, consideration will be given to Ph.D. students, then master’s students who are attending a conference and who have previously received SOE travel funding
- Upon return from travel, please submit a travel expense worksheet, along with all receipts to the Graduate Support Specialist
- Documentation of conference registration is required for reimbursement
- Reimbursements must be completed within one month from the last date of travel
- Reimbursements will only be approved for actual expenses incurred
- All receipts to be reimbursed must be submitted to Graduate Support Specialist within one month from the last day of the conference. After this time, you will be ineligible for reimbursement and the funds will be used for other applications.
- It is the applicant’s responsibility to approve travel reimbursement through WorkDay prior to the one-month deadline.