Appendix A – Application Process

Application deadlines vary for programs. Make sure you review the application process page for your specific program for the deadline.
Step 1: Application
Check the general information and guidelines for graduate school admissions and then apply.
Step 2: Additional Documentation
Provide additional information required for admission decisions:
Official transcripts from all undergraduate/graduate college coursework. If you have previously attended ISU, you do not need to submit those transcripts – they will automatically be uploaded to our application file.
Students who believe their transcripts are not representative of their abilities should address this in their statement of intent.
Letters of Support
Applicants should provide three letters of support. At least one letter should be from a faculty member at a college or university who can speak to the applicant’s potential for success as a graduate student. Letters of support should address the applicant’s:
- Written and oral communication skills
- Aptitude for advanced study
- Creative talent
- Potential for a successful career
Statement of Intent (for Ph.D. only)
Compose a 2-3 page statement of intent addressing your goal(s) or purpose in pursuing an advanced degree, area(s) of interest for research/scholarship, reasons for selecting the School of Education for graduate work, and your professional background. This statement serves as an important indicator of the applicant’s ability to communicate effectively in writing. Upload this statement to your online graduate application as a separate document. In the Statement of Purpose section of the online application form, please write “see attached statement of intent.” No additional narrative is required.
GRE (Ph.D. and Teacher Licensure Only) and TOEFL/IELTS Test Scores
Teacher licensure programs: Minimum GRE scores (Verbal – 146, Quantitative – 144) are required for graduate teacher licensure programs (Science: Master of Arts in Teaching; Mathematics: Master of Education, licensure option).
International students must submit TOEFL scores of at least 560 (paper test), 220 (computerized test), or 83 (internet test) or an IELTS minimum score of 6.5 or greater. These scores are established by ISU and cannot be waived by the School of Education.
Ph.D. applicants must submit GRE scores (recommended minimum scores are 146 verbal, 144 quantitative, and 3.5 analytical writing)
Program-Specific Requirements
Student affairs (M.Ed.) requirements: Students applying to the student affairs program should refer to program-specific instructions for additional information about application and admission procedures.
Math licensure (M.Ed.) & science licensure (M.A.T.) requirements: Math and science licensure master’s students must follow the special application procedure for this program.
Ph.D. requirements: Ph.D. applicants must submit a scholarly writing sample (for example journal article, or research paper from a graduate class, master’s thesis).
Step 3: Review
Application initial review process
Step 4: Interview
Applicants whose files receive an initial positive review may be invited to participate in an interview at the program’s discretion as the final step in the admission process. Interviews are available face-to-face or via Skype and will be scheduled at a time convenient to the applicant.
Request more information through the Graduate College.
Step 5: Admission Decision
Once final admission decisions are made, applicants will be notified via email if they have been admitted to the program.
Step 6: Campus Visit (Ph.D. Applicants Only)
Ph.D. applicants who have been admitted to the program will be invited to come to campus in mid-February to learn more about ISU and the School of Education, meet with faculty and current students, go on a tour of campus, and learn more about assistantship opportunities.