
The Education for Social Justice graduate certificate is a 12-credit certificate. All students seeking the certificate must take ELPS 6200: Education for Social Justice, which introduces students to various social justice topics in P-20 education (note: ELPS 6200 is not a prerequisite for other courses in the certificate). The course is offered annually in the Fall semesters. The additional 9 credits may be taken from a list of approved courses.

There is no required field experience, however, up to 3-credits of field experience credits may be taken to fulfill the 12-credit requirement for the ESJ certificate. All field experiences should be coordinated individually with an SOE faculty member. Field experiences may not be taken until after the completion of ELPS 6200.

For a full description of the courses, please review the Iowa State University course catalog

List of Approved Courses

The courses listed below are approved to meet the certificate requirements, effective Fall 2018. Any substitutions require prior approval. Prior approval of ELPS 5910 (field experience), CI 5900F, and CI 6900F (special topics), independent courses, is also needed to count toward the certificate. 

If you have questions about courses, please contact

EDUC 5200 – Bilingualism, Bilingual Education, and Latinx Youth*
EDUC 5220 – Teaching and Learning Iowa History
EDUC 5770 – Historical Perspectives on Technology Equity: Implications for Policy and Practice
EDUC 5780
 – Pedagogy, Equality of Opportunity, and the Education of Blacks in the U.S.**
EDUC 5830X – Inequality & Education*
EDUC 5930F – Workshops: Social and Cultural Studies
EDUC 5900F – Special Topics: Social and Cultural Studies
EDUC 6900F – Advanced Special Topics: Social and Cultural Studies

ELPS 6200 – Education for Social Justice (core, required course)*
ELPS 6210 – Pedagogies of Dissent*
ELPS 6220 – Decolonizing Praxis*
ELPS 6240 – Critical Race Theory
ELPS 6250 – Gender and Sexuality in Education
ELPS 5910 – Social Justice Field Experiences*

EDADM 6510 – Ethics, Spirituality, & Social Justice in Administrative Practice
RESEV 6800 – Critical Issues in Qualitative Research**

HGED 5930 – Workshops
HGED 5730 – Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Student Affairs (limited to students in Student Affairs)*
HGED 6730X – Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education**

*Runs every year
**Runs every other year
If no asterisk, runs depending on faculty availability

Need More Information?

Graduate support specialist